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Return your bag

1. Prepare your return

Every bag has to be put back in their dust-bag or box for the return. Everything tha was delivered needs to be sent back. You can re-use the box in which your rental has been delivered in.

2. Send 

You recieved a return label in your delivery, which you can use to return your bag. Go to a post-office and deposit your return.

3. Confirmation

Once we’ve recieve your return and everything is in order, we will send you a confirmation e-mail.

What happens if I return the bag late?

If you return late, you will be charged an amount of 30 CHF per day, as the person who rented the bag after you may receive it late. If the bag is not returned within 30 days, it will be considered as not returned and will in addition to late fees, be fully charged plus interest rate, as well as any due fees, all of which may incur additional legal costs that the member could be liable for.

What happens if I damage or lose the bag?

Your hire includes cover for general wear and tear. Non-recoverable or expensive damage, as well as failure to return the bag due to loss or theft, will result in you being charged the value of the bag at the time of hire.